Monday, August 19th:
- All 11th grade US History classes
- All 12th grade Gov/Econ classes
- AOAT 10th grade elective classes (Barreto and Rosillo)
- GMS 10th grade English (Bondy)
- CORE 9 (periods 1, 3, 5)
- CORE 10 (periods 1, 3, 5)
- Ninth and 10th grade students in period 6 athletic teams
- Austin (periods 4 and 5)
- Fann (all periods)
- Gunny (periods 4, 5, 6)
- Muller-Garcia (periods 4, 5, 6)
- Jones (periods 4 and 5)
- Zakosek (periods 4 and 6)
Tuesday, August 20th:
- Ninth and 10th grade PE (periods 0, 1, 2, 3)
- GMS 10th grade English (Thackeray)
- Fonseca/CLA (period 2)
- Guzman/CLA (period 1)
- Merida 9th and 10th (period 1, if not already photographed Monday)
- Yassaman 9th and 10th (period 1, if not already photographed Monday)
**Any 7th period student not listed in any of the above should come during 0 period either day starting at 8 AM