Blackboard Connect Message - Spring 2025

March 10

School Experience Survey: Parents and Guardians, we need your input. Please complete a school experience survey:

Tuesday Professional Development Schedule: Every Tuesday, we will be on a professional development (PD) early dismissal schedule. On Tuesdays, period 1 begins at 8:30 AM and period 6 ends at 2:38 PM. 

TIES Day: March 12 is a TIES day for all students. Note that this will be a regular school day.

College and Career Fair: Join us on the Quad this Thursday at lunch to meet representatives from different universities, colleges, trade schools, and career fields.

Looking ahead: March 19 is SAT School Day for juniors. It will be a regular day for all other students.

For up-to-date information, please check out our website at, Like us on Facebook at Grover Cleveland Charter High School, or follow us on Instagram or X.


March 3

School Experience Survey: Parents and Guardians, we need your input. Please complete a school experience survey:

Tuesday Professional Development Schedule: Every Tuesday, we will be on a professional development (PD) early dismissal schedule. On Tuesdays, period 1 begins at 8:30 AM and period 6 ends at 2:38 PM. 

TIES Day: March 12 is a TIES day for all students. Note that this will be a regular school day.

For up-to-date information, please check out our website at, Like us on Facebook at Grover Cleveland Charter High School, or follow us on Instagram or X.

February 24

School Experience Survey: Parents and Guardians, we need your input. Please complete a school experience survey: School Experience Survey: Parent/Guardian Input | Cleveland Charter High School

Phone-Free School Day: As a reminder, we are still in Phase 1 of our phone-free school day implementation plan. All students should have phones turned off and put in their back packs for the entirety of the school day.

Credit Recovery: Students, zero period and period 7 rolling credit recovery courses begin this Monday. If you submitted an application, check on Schoology Monday morning to see if your course is there. Additionally, Saturday School begins March 1. If you have any questions, see your counselor.

Tuesday Professional Development Schedule: Every Tuesday, we will be on a professional development (PD) early dismissal schedule. On Tuesdays, period 1 begins at 8:30 AM and period 6 ends at 2:38 PM. 

Fire Drill: There will be a fire drill this Wednesday during period 4.

Coffee with the Administrators: Join us this Thursday in the Parent Center at 10 AM for Coffee with the Admin.

SARC: Our School Accountability is now available on our website: School Accountability Report Card

For up-to-date information, please check out our website at, Like us on Facebook at Grover Cleveland Charter High School, or follow us on Instagram or X.


February 17

No School: There will be no school this Monday in observance of Presidents Day.

School Experience Survey: Parents and Guardians, we need your input. Please complete a school experience survey.

Tuesday Professional Development Schedule: Every Tuesday, we will be on a professional development (PD) early dismissal schedule. On Tuesdays, period 1 begins at 8:30 AM and period 6 ends at 2:38 PM. 

SSC Meeting: The next School Site Council meeting will be Tuesday at 3:45 PM in the Principal’s Conference Room.

Minimum Day: We will be on a minimum day schedule this Wednesday for Parent Conferencing. Period 6 ends at 1:13 PM. Parent conferences are available from 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM.

Club Rush: Enjoy a phone-free school day and join one of Cleveland’s many clubs and organizations. Spring Club Rush Day 2 will take place Thursday at lunch on the Plaza.

College Night for Class of 2027 and 2028: Join our college counselors in the Dining Hall this Thursday at 5 PM for College Night for 9th and 10th Grade students.

Credit Recovery Applications: Students, if you need to make up a class, remember that credit recovery applications are due this Friday to your counselor.

For up-to-date information, please check out our website at, Like us on Facebook at Grover Cleveland Charter High School, or follow us on Instagram or X.

February 10

Phone-Free School Day Implementation: Phase I will go into effect this Monday, February 10. During Phase I, students must turn off all cellular devices and store them in their backpacks. Smart watches may be used for time keeping and medical purposes only. Earbuds may be used, as appropriate, so long as cellular devices are turned off and stored. Students may not use personal laptops or tablets, except as deemed appropriate for instructional purposes during class time by the teacher:

Tuesday Professional Development Schedule: Every Tuesday, we will be on a professional development (PD) early dismissal schedule. On Tuesdays, period 1 begins at 8:30 AM and period 6 ends at 2:38 PM. 

Cleveland Governance Council Meeting: The next CGC meeting will be Tuesday at 3:45 PM in the Principal’s Conference Room.

Club Rush: Enjoy a phone-free school day and join one of Cleveland’s many clubs and organizations. Spring Club Rush will take place Wednesday at Thursday at lunch on the Plaza.

Cookies with the Counselor: Join us Friday at 10 AM in the Parent Center for Cookies with the Counselors. We will provide strategies to support students with the transition to a Phone-Free environment, go over IGP information, and review the Know Your Rights information as part of the District's We Are One campaign. 

For up-to-date information, please check out our website at, Like us on Facebook at Grover Cleveland Charter High School, or follow us on Instagram or X.

February 3

Tuesday Professional Development Schedule: Every Tuesday, we will be on a professional development (PD) early dismissal schedule. On Tuesdays, period 1 begins at 8:30 AM and period 6 ends at 2:38 PM. 

Class of 2025: Financial Aid Night for Seniors will be this Wednesday at 5 PM in the Dining Hall. Come learn about opportunities for free money to further your postsecondary education. Please note, the completion of a financial aid application is required for all seniors unless families have completed an opt-out form and it is on file with the College and Career Center. 

For up-to-date information, please check out our website at, Like us on Facebook at Grover Cleveland Charter High School, or follow us on Instagram or X.

January 26:

Tuesday Professional Development Schedule: Every Tuesday, we will be on a professional development (PD) early dismissal schedule. On Tuesdays, period 1 begins at 8:30 AM and period 6 ends at 2:38 PM. 

Student Assemblies: We will be hosting period-by-period assemblies for students on Tuesday to go over the Every School Safe presentation on De-Escalation and Restorative Practices as well as specifics on Cleveland’s implementation of the Phone-Free School Day Policy.

SSC Meeting: There will be at School Site Council meeting this Tuesday at 3:45 PM in the PCR.

Know Your Rights: All people in the United States, regardless of immigration status, have certain rights and protections under the U.S. Constitution. The Immigrant Legal Resource Center's (ILRC) Red Cards help people assert their rights and defend themselves in many situations, such as when Immigration, Customs & Enforcement (ICE) agents go to a home. Any student who would like a card is welcome to request one from the Main Office or room D-10:

We Are One Campaign: Cleveland will be hosting a parent meeting to share LA Unified’s We Are One Campaign in the coming weeks. More information is forthcoming.

For up-to-date information, please check out our website at, Like us on Facebook at Grover Cleveland Charter High School, or follow us on Instagram or X.

January 19:

No School: There will be no school Monday in observance of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday.

CGC Meeting: There will be at Cleveland Governance Council meeting this Tuesday at 3:45 PM in the PCR.

iReady makeup: Thank you to everyone for helping to make iReady testing a success. Please note that students who were absent during either of the testing dates will receive summonses for makeup testing starting this week.

Coffee with the Admin: Please join us for Coffee with the Administrators on Thursday, January 23 at 10 AM in the Parent Center. We will go over Cleveland’s implementation of LAUSD’s Phone-Free School Day Policy and provide budget updates.

Financial Aid Night for Seniors: This Thursday, the College and Career Center will host a financial aid workshop from 3:30 to 5:00 PM in I-121 followed by our Financial Aid Night presentation in the Dining Hall from 5:00 to 6:30 PM.  Families of seniors, do not miss out! Please note that the completion of a financial aid application is required for all seniors unless families have completed an opt-out form and it is on file with the College and Career Center. 

Spring Schedule Changes: Please remember that the last day for students to request a class schedule change is this Friday. Permanent program day is January 31. After the 31st, students withdrawing or dropping a course will receive a mark of “F.”

Tuesday Professional Development Schedule: Every Tuesday, we will be on a professional development (PD) early dismissal schedule. On Tuesdays, period 1 begins at 8:30 AM and period 6 ends at 2:38 PM. 

For up-to-date information, please check out our website at, Like us on Facebook at Grover Cleveland Charter High School, or follow us on Instagram or X.

January 12:

We will return to school on Monday, January 13 for regular instruction and schedule. We will be on a full inclement weather schedule which limits outdoor and athletics activities. Masks will also be provided for those who prefer to wear them. 


Thank you to our Buildings and Grounds staff and other District employees who came in Friday and over the weekend to clean our campus, including classrooms. Moreover, we are grateful to the first responders and local authorities who ensured the safety of our school communities.


We understand how difficult this has been for everyone, whether you were directly impacted, forced to evacuate, or know someone who has been devastated by the fires. The uncertainty of the last few days has affected us all. Los Angeles Unified students and families in need of mental health support are encouraged to call our Student and Family Wellness Resource Line at 213-241-3840. Support is currently available between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m., Monday through Friday. We also have school mental health support staff available to assist students, as needed.


Employees may access Employee Assistance Service for Education (EASE) by visiting or calling the 24/7 support line at 800-882-1341.


Please visit for the latest information.


Thank you and please continue to remain safe and know we are here to support our community.


January 5:

Happy 2025. We hope winter break was a relaxing break for our Cavaliers and we look forward to seeing you in school this Monday for the start of the spring semester.

Student Schedules: Student class schedules are posted on Schoology. Students should check on the school website or on Schoology for their most recent spring semester schedule. Students with a zero period are expected to attend their classes on January 6. All other students should be on campus this Monday by 8:30 AM for the start of period 1. We will be on a regular day schedule. Students who still need to change classes may pick up a Request to See Counselor form from the Counseling Office. The last day to request a schedule change is January 24. Permanent program day is January 31. After the 31st, students may not drop a class without earning an F in that course.  

Tuesday Professional Development Schedule: Every Tuesday, we will be on a professional development (PD) early dismissal schedule. On Tuesdays, period 1 begins at 8:30 AM and period 6 ends at 2:38 PM. 

Phone-Free School Day: We will be sharing more information over the next few weeks about Cleveland’s implementation of the LAUSD phone-free school day policy. Remember, students may not have phones on or visible during the school day, including nutrition and lunch. The policy goes in effect February 18.

For up-to-date information, please check out our website at, Like us on Facebook at Grover Cleveland Charter High School, or follow us on Instagram or X.