Aazam Irilian

Painting 1A & 1B
Focusing on California Visual Arts Standards and Frameworks, students create a series of artworks using various media. Students will also develop their understanding of composition and aesthetics by using the artistic vocabulary in both written and verbal form.

Painting 1B & 2B
The independent study format of this course will enable students to develop further their own personal artistic style while studying master artists of their own choice. In addition to reproducing a master’s artwork, students will produce several artwork using similar techniques and media. Students’ knowledge of artistic vocabulary will be examined by their participation in group critique sessions. Students are encouraged to participate in various art contests and event both at school and in the community.

Advanced Painting (Portfolio Review Required)
Using a variety of non-traditional surfaces, artwork created in this class will be permanently displayed in various locations at Cleveland High School. Students will research Internet and text resources, discuss and write about, and finally produce artwork that visually describe their point of view regarding the issue on hand.

View Student Artwork Here