American Inventions during the Reconstruction
Americans were still facing depression and tension during the 1870s because of the horrifying things the American Civil War had left them. Many people in the South cannot accept the fact that Slavery, which is one of the factors that helped them in many ways to prosper themselves, has ended. In the North, people were happy because they were able to end Slavery but they were also sad at the same time because many of their loved ones died in the war. These were some of the problems that led to the Reconstruction, the time when the Americans tried to resolve these problems they were facing during the 1870s.
Even though there were many reasons to feel sad and depressed after the civil war, there were still people in different parts of the United States of America who did every thing they
could to help their nation to live an easier life. They invented things that helped the people in many different ways. One of the important effects of these inventions is that they were able to turn the people's attention from the horrible outcome of the Civil war to a more positive and encouraging view of life. One of these inventions is the
Quadruplex Telegraph . Telegraph was first invented by Samuel F. B. Morse. The first telegraph message that he was able to send was in May 24, 1844. But people can only send very short messages through this telegraph. Thomas Alva Edison, a very well-known inventor, is the one who was able to invent a telegraph in 1874, which he called as the Quadruplex Telegraph because this invention helped people to send two messages at the same time in each direction. Three years after inventing this, he was also able to invent a talking machine which he called as the Phonograph . This invention was the first device that provided the people the opportunity to listen to music during the 1870s. These inventions are very significant because they helped people to send their messages to their loved ones and also to help them forget the past war and enjoy life during the Reconstruction.

Another important event during this time is the invention of the Telephone. The one who invented this in March 10, 1876 is Alexander Graham Bell who, like Thomas Alva Edison, is also known because of his amazing inventions. Alexander used electricity to be able to send voice messages to another location. The thing that inspired him to invent this thing is his passion in experimenting hearing devices that may help people who are deaf such as his mother and his wife. He was called during his time as the "Father of the Deaf". His invention of the telephone didn't only help the people during the Reconstruction but also the people today.

After inventing the Quadruplex Telegraph and the Phonograph, Thomas Alva Edison didn't stop trying to invent more things. He aimed to create other things that he thinks will help his fellow Americans. Because of his never ending passion in inventing, he was able to create one of the most significant inventions, not only in America's history, but also in Human's history. He invented the Electric Light Bulb in 1879 that lighted the whole world. I cannot imagine ourselves living in this world without lights. This light bulb really affected the Americans during the Reconstruction.

The other inventions that were created during the Reconstruction Era are the Microphone (1877) by Emile Berliner , Electrical Welding (1877) by Elihu Thomson, Refrigerator Car (1877) by G.F. Swift, Cash Register (1879) by James Ritty, Arc Lamp (1879) by Charles Bush, and etc. These were only some of the inventions that were created during the Reconstruction that helped reduce the tension the Americans were experiencing after the American Civil War and to live their lives in a more positive way. They also didn't only help America, but they also helped the whole world through their inventions. These inventors and their inventions really made the Reconstruction Era a very significant part of America's History.