History During The Revolutionary Era

During the Revolutionary Era there was many things happening such as the events of 1775, which was the first shot of the revolutionary war were fired in Lexington and Concord in Massachusetts. In the spring of 1776, the Declaration of Independence was authorized. In 1781, General Cornwallis surrenders York town and the Articles of Confederation were ratified. The person who I think was the most important during this decade was George Washington who led the Americans towards independence.

In 1775 when the first shots of war was fired due to the disagreements with the Loyalist, who still held loyalty to the king and the British law, and the Patriots, who held the idea that the British had become tyrants. This lead to the first shots fired and three weeks after they were fired the Second Continental Congress met and wanted to "adopt" the militia surrounding Boston. With this decision they appointed George Washington general and commander and chief of this continental army. Then as the new General George Washington was trying to get to his troops the Battle of Bunker hill took place due to the two British advances, which then resulted in a stalemate because the militia ran out of ammunition, this event contributed greatly in building American self-confidence. During the spring of early July during the year of 1776 the Continental Congress accepted the document that Thomas Jefferson had outlined the colonies suspended all ties with Britain, known as the Declaration of Independence. Then on July 4, 1776 the entire Congress released this Declaration of Independence where the colonies declared they, the United States of America, and this is where the American Revolution officially started. In the year of 1781 General Cornwallis surrendered York Town, which ended up being the last major battle of the Revolutionary War.

The one major person in this decade was George Washington who during this time period became the general and commander and chief of the Second Continental Army. George Washington was chosen to become general because congress wanted to adopt the militia surrounding Boston. The reason George Washington was the best choice to be the commander and chief of the Second Continental Army was because he had the military experience, was well known as a strong patriot, and was supported by the South, especially Virginia. Since Washington refused to get involved in politics he was the man fully committed to the military mission before him and above self-interest battles. Though he was well known for his success in the war and his life that followed, he actually won only three of the nine battles he fought.

The movement happening in this decade is the independence movement because this is when America was trying to come out from under British rule. The colonialists were frustrated with British order with British order and limited rights, American colonialists demanded freedom, but with Britain still increased their hold over the colonies. This resulted in many of the colonies declaring independence while some still choose to remain loyal to Britain. Then Americans won the Revolutionary war making Britain finally recognize the United States of America as an independent nation.

These were a few of the many things happening during the Revolutionary Era defining it to be known as it is today. From the events that happened, to the people involved, and the movements that began or happened during that time period. This was one of the many important time periods because without this happening we as Americans would still be under British rule and wouldn't be the independent nation we are today.


Appleby, Joyce. Brinkley, Alan. Broussard, Albert. McPherson, James. Ritchie, Donald. The American Vision: Modern Times . New York; Columbus; Chicago; Peoria; Woodland Hills: Glencoe, 2006.


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