Art Essay

            The decade I was assigned was the Revolutionary Era of 1775-1783. Two major artists during this time were Benjamin West and John Singleton Copley. Both of these artists were extremely accomplished. They were realist painters, though they dappled in different types of realism. They were very modern painters and they enjoyed what they did. They were the American painters of the time.

            Benjamin West was born near what is now Springfield, Pennsylvania. He was taught by the Native Americans how to make paint with clay. While he was in Pennsylvania he mainly painted portraits of people like Benjamin Franklin. In 1763 Benjamin moved to England. While in England he painted on a larger and more historic scale. He painted such things as The Death Of General Wolfe in 1770, Charles Wilson Peale, in 1769, and Fidela and Speranza in 1776. These are all great examples of his artwork, his style, and himself.

            John Singleton Copley was born in Boston, Massachusetts in 1738. He was made famous by his portraits and realistic style. Just like West he was a modern person and a patriot. He made his first portraits at an age as early as fourteen. Later with plenty of practice behind him he started painting larger and more important people and events. Examples of such work include The Defeat of the Floating Batteries at Gibraltar in 1782, Watson and the Shark in 1778, and the portrait of Samuel Adams in 1772. These are all important and famous works. And they are the influence for the world of today.

            These amazing painters continue to influence today's artists. We continue to look at the neoclassical era for influence and inspiration. We look to their peace and their talent to give us ideas to go on. We look to their passions, patriotism and freedom to show us the way to a more pure style of our own. The Revolutionary Era was the building blocks for our country today.

