The Art

   The 1960's was a period in time of self expression through artistic styles such as music, painting, and writing.

                    An artist that was very well known was Andy Warhol, a painter and writer of books and magazines. Warhol was born on August 6, 1928, as child he always had dreams about him becoming a great artist, and to expand his imagination that no one had. One of Andy's most famous paintings was the "Campbell's Soup Cans" that he came up with, in 1962. Warhol demostrated his talent in many ways, in this painting he showed his good talent and made him famous, not only because it was a good painting, but because it looked realistic like a photograph. Andy Warhol died on February 22, 1987.

            Another artist of the 1960's was Elizabeth Taylor, she was born on February 27, 1932. Elizabeth was the greatest actress of Hollywood , her beauty and personality were all into the modern time of the 1960s. In her life time she came out in many movies and one of the most recognized one was "Cleopatra" that came out in 1963. This movie became a big polemic during this time, because she was beautiful woman doing such a great character. This film was one of the most expensive productions ever. Elizabeth's talent mixed with her natural beauty made her the Hollywood Glamour woman. And she still is, now in her 75 years she is still well appreciated to her beauty and talent.

          The 1960's were not only about art and actresses but also about music, and the band that produced rock and roll, in 1964 were "The Beatles". A British rock and roll band that became extremely popular, they represented the hippie style. Four young men formed this band. Their concert tickets were sold out rapidly everytime. People went crazy for their music their concerts were always full and they had the greatest audience. In their early years they started calling them "Beatle Maniacs". Their passion for music was evident and there still known all around the world. The 1960's will always be remembered in their great time period.


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