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The Outsiders "The Outsiders" is a great novel written by S.E. Hinton that was published in 1976. This novel is about a hard life time of a fourteen year old Ponyboy Curtis. The theme of this book is that a teenager can pass and rise above any circumstance through hard work and determination of their own. What the author is trying to tell us is that we shouldn't descriminate people from who they are or what they look like. She writes about the Greasers and the Socs (white guys) being involved in gangs, and having a hatred life, that no one would like to live. Hinton was just sixteen years old when she started writting this book and eighteen when she published it. It shows that she puts her own mood and maybe experience of her own into this book, she shows rebellion between the two different gangs. The tone of the author can be confusing because it changes, since they are teenagers their tone or way of being can change quickliy. The Greasers manners were not the best and the Socs were well behaved but still they would act tough. The Greasers and the Socs had a different way of living and their hate towards each other is shown in different ways from both sides. The Socs hate the Greasers because of the way they dress, the way they look, and the way they are, so they just walk up to them and beat them. Thats what the Greasers hate from the Socs that for no reason if they see one Greaser alone in the street they would jump him. The only thing that Greasers can do is try to defend them selves. Figurative language its also shown by Hinton in this book. When Ponyboy says -"It's okay... We aren't in the same class. Just don't forget that some of us watch the sunset too." She is telling us there that they live in the same world, beneath the same sun. And even though Greasers are stereotyped as if they were bad persons and rough, some of them enjoy beauty as well as others. It is also possible that Hinotn knew people that lived like that, or had experienced it herself too. Her message is to show us what was happening in her times,and truth is that it keep happening with different people. We know that in the 60s there were Greasers and they were stereotyped as coldbloded people. What she shows us it that they are just like every other human living on earth. |
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Outsiders_(novel) http://www.sparknotes.com/lit/outsiders/