The Walk in the Moon


The 1960's and its science was very important to the United States. One of the mayor events in science was the Apollo 11, the mission that the first one to land on the Moon. This wasn't the first space light, it was actually the fith one of the Apollo program.

It left earth on july 16, 1969, it carried commander Neil Alden Armstrong he was the pilot commander, Michael Collins the lunar Module Pilot, Edwin Eugene. When they got there Armstrong and Aldrin became the first men to land on the Moon.

This mission was president John F. Kennedy's goal, to go to the moon by the year of 1960s. First in 1961 Kennedy gave a speech saying that ' I believe that this nation should cammit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the Moon and returning home safely to the Earth. Those were Kennedy's words, that became true.

The Apollo 11 landed from the Kennedy Space Center, on july 16, 1969 at 9:32 a.m. the moon aiming the lunar orbit. The landing spaced was choosed because of its flat surface. Apollo landed with not that much fuel on, Armstrong reported landing on july 20. Armstrong had his first words after landing those were 'The Eagle has landed'.

On july 24, these austronauts went home. They were medically tested, due to the fact that they thought that they might have gotten a dissease. They were okay. A very important time for America.The great experience that these men lived, they will never forget, America will never forget.


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